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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Space Jam System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-18 23:05:48 Views : 20754 The PC Space Jam cheats must be typed in after the "SJ" command line when the program is run.... (with a space inbetween) [example: "sj little_toons"] To activate more than one cheat at a time, you may tag on as many cheats as desired, adding a space before each one [example: "sj little_toons little_monstars superjumps"] CODES ------------- little_monstars = Shrinks monstars little_toons = Shrinks tune squad big_monstars = Grows monstars big_toons = Grows tune squad alwaysmakeshot = Always make the shot alwaysdunk = Every shot is a dunk fastgame = Accelerates game speed turbofly = Hit turbo while jumping to get "extra boost" endlessturbo = Permanently full turbo meter fadeaways = Jump in whatever direction you were moving in noinbounds = Never have to inbound the ball noshotclock = Disables the shot clock superpush = Super-strong pushes superjump = Super-strong jumps noai = Uses secret courts in-game at random Kanopef = Activates endless turbo, fadeaways, no inbounds, no shot clock, turbofly and always-make-shot cheats Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Space Jam cheat codes.
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